newsletter Newsletter #2 March 2025 Hello! as the sun finally decides to grace us with its warm glow I am excited to share new, emerging thoughts with you.
blog Means makes ends How do critical and creative pedagogies relate to and enhance organisational development processes and objectives? How does this cross pollination serve the broader intentions of social and systems change?
art Praxis # 4 In all this i wonder where I can enact my fullest human existence? in what space can i be autonomous and creatively free? and how can this impact the rest of my life and in what ways can this have any positive impact beyond the personal?
newsletter Newsletter #1 Feb 2025 It was a profound way to articulate the problems experienced by neurodivergent people in a neurotypical world.
praxis Praxis #2 The Art World reflects the dominant social and political values of our capitalist society. It is controlled by elitist systems, upheld by galleries, art organisations, universities and the art 'heroes' who yield power, wealth and mysticism.
praxis Praxis #1 Criticality, in any art and/or educative endeavour that seeks to encourage transformation, is vital and without it we'll just keep spinning around in the sameness of the status quo for ever.
Why I think the economic argument for creativity is killing creativity. Creativity is part of the solution, just not the notion of creativity the mainstream seems to uphold. Like Karen Barad says: 'an invitation to live justly is written into the very matter of being.'
A suspension of time What does it mean to suspend our mechanistic experience of time in a capitalist society? and why is it important to create spaces that resist the more commonly regarded, quantitative understanding of time?
podcast the Dan Scott episode Dan is an artist working with sound, music, and performance. His work often creates sonic communities, using sound-making, aurality research and listening as methodologies for connecting people.
Confronting discomfort How can I be sure my intellectual and professional pursuits are motivated by and acting for the social justice cause I claim to be working for, if I remain in ‘comfortable’ spaces that reflect my own experiences?
Dialogue pt 1 After all nothing exists in a vacuum and in any existential quest we would be fools to focus solely on ourself alone. We are always in relationship with.