the Dan Scott episode

Dan is an artist working with sound, music, and performance. His work often creates sonic communities, using sound-making, aurality research and listening as methodologies for connecting people.

the Dan Scott episode

Listening practices and the social potential of sound.

I really enjoyed the interviews I did for the How to Build a School podcast but I wanted to try something different with the podcast format. This, and the following recordings, will be loosely constructed as 'praxis', where I will invite each guest to make something with me (action) and chat about the process (reflection), link to theory and hopefully have a bit of fun!Rather than platforming individual's work I want to make it more participatory and hopefully steer more towards an intersubjective experience. Dan is an artist working with sound, music, and performance. His work often creates sonic communities, using sound-making, aurality research and listening as methodologies for connecting people. He's also has a long-standing pedagogical career, teaching in universities and alternative art schools across the UK.I'm really grateful to call Dan a friend, I've learnt loads from him and loved visiting his studio to make this thing together and if someone else out there get something out of it then it's a bonus!

Chapter 1 = ACTION: 'Click piece' improvisation

Chapter 2 (9:09) = REFLECTION: meandering conversation about listening, sound and the social potential of sound

Chapter 3 = ACTIONx: double time 'click piece'


A note on praxis:'Praxis is the process by which a theory, lesson or skill is enacted, embodied or realised. Paulo Freire defines praxis in Pedagogy of the Oppressed as 'reflection and action directed at the structures to be transformed' (Taken from from 'Placemaking: A New Materialist theory of Pedagogy' by Tara Page)A note on the name Rhizoverse:Gilles Deleuze's concept of the rhizome, developed with Félix Guattari, is a philosophical model that contrasts traditional hierarchical structures. Introduced in their work A Thousand Plateaus, the rhizome represents a non-linear, decentralized network where any point can connect to any other point, opposing the hierarchical "tree" model of knowledge that follows a linear, binary path.The rhizome model applies to various domains, including culture and society, where it suggests a fluid, interconnected reality without a central point of origin or hierarchy. This model challenges traditional Western philosophical and logical structures, promoting a more dynamic and interconnected understanding of the worldTara Page:

Placemaking: A New Materialist theory of Pedagogy': Scott:

Pauline Oliveros sonic meditations: and Reflect by Jon Stevens: